Friday 21 January 2011


Oh my goshh!
Its just a replica but its soo damn cute!!
Its just a quick try on so my blouse is pretty crap XD
This is a run down of what I have on.
Dress: Happy Garden, Angelic Pretty REPLICA
Blouse: Offbrand
Socks: Bodyline
Shoes: Bodyline
Room: MINE :D
Lol the last picture was just for fun XD
I put a circle on my face because I look stupid and ugly so I did that XDD
It needs ironing but apart from that its pretty fricking cute :D

Saturday 15 January 2011

going to town and park =.=U

Went to Le Town and then Le park.
Lol but I couldn't find my third friend XD
Went with mah BFFL Huwhahahha that was immensly gay..
It was raining so when we were on the swings my butt was completly wet...
all Im doing now is watching more V.K fanservice ;D
Very addictive no?
Made a cute wind chime looking thing in a taster session..
I'll post pictures for who ever even reads my blog.. ¬.¬

Friday 14 January 2011

Lol, I didn't like my header ¬.¬
So I decided to change it :D
I drew it on Sumopaint.
Shitty picture I know, I know!
It was suppose to be the Pocket Embroidery Jumper Skirt by Baby the stars shine bright XD
Enjoy whilst laughing at her hahahha.
I lovee to double post :P so I'll post some other shizz later XD

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Fan girling over Visual Kei fanservice will get you hurt!

Sooo... since I was done talking to all my friends *imaginary* I was on Youtube and I search- stumbled upon some hawt Visual Kei bands fan servicing...
I went downstairs at started to think of all the WOWness went on the videos I went inside the Kitchen to get a cold drink of Colaa..
I was all likee :
*thinking* Oh seexxy visual kei boys! hwuahhshahahahha mwahhahaha hdahhahhah hwayaha

and then I smashed my finger on the door.
Its all red and hurts like a bish.
Lol, I remember I was watching some clips of like japanese bands well, japanese BOY bands *mmmmmm* I got a nosebleed... A NOSEBLEED.
Anime much riightt??

Tuesday 11 January 2011

A little dumb and an introduction..!

Meann Loli here ;D
OoooOooh this is my first post!
I am verry intrested in Lolita but I'm a Loli is a little bit physchooo!
Also, Im a begginer in wearing Lolita but I did my researches and homework soo.. *smirks*
So, I felt a little pathetic doing this XP but I sent myself- well my future self a mail.
Lmao, I think I was alittle violent and scary on some bits but since its me it'll be alrightt!
I'm gonna get the emails on my birthday XD
Scary, crude, violent emails on my birthday!
When I'm 20 I'll recieve it! Friggen' 20!!
I keep thinking if I will be like what I imagine myself to be like but... whatever.
Just gotttaa wait for the future to come right XP
This is just alittle post...
OH YEAH! I write a little like a word, alittle.
If your gonna read myyy blog then you better be ready for some badddd grammar and baaaadddd writing skills!

Peace out :D